Come out and support Gibson City during these great events!
More Details on the events can be found at:
Gibson Area Hospital Foundation
Gibson Area Chamber of Commerce

May 11th
All Awareness Day - North Park
May 16-19
Gibson City Spring Garage Sales - Gibson City
May 17th 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Friday Cruise Night - Downtown GC
June 6th 5:00 - 7:00 PM
Community Fish Fry/Music in the Park - North Park
June 8th
GAH Nash Bash - Countryside Campground
June 14th 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Friday Cruise Night - Downtown GC
June 22nd
Food Truck Feastival - North Park
July 6th Noon - Midnight
Red, White, & Tunes- Marks on First
July 19th 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Friday Cruise Night - Downtown GC
August 16th 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Friday Cruise Night - Downtown GC
August 17th
GAH Summerbash - Downtown GC
August 20th 11:30 AM Parade / 12:00 -3:00 PM activities
Shriner's Kids Day Parade & Activities - North Park
September 14th
HarvestFest - Downtown GC
September 18 - 21st
Gibson City Fall Garage Sales - Gibson City
October 22nd 5:00 - 7:00 PM (Rain date 10/24)
Fright Night Downtown Trick-or-Treating - Downtown GC
October 22nd - December 15th
Change Someone's Christmas Fundraising - Gibson City
November 23rd
Lighted Christmas Parade- Downtown GC
November 30th
Small Business Saturday - Gibson City